ADMITTED 2014 BAR 2022
CLERK CONTACT 03 9225 7999
PHONE 9225 7999
MOBILE 0431 247 418
EMAIL wharldall@vicbar.com.au
ENQUIRIES: dever@vicbar.com.au
Alice practises primarily in commercial and public law, including constitutional and judicial review matters. She also accepts briefs in common law, employment and industrial relations matters.
Before coming to the Bar, Alice practised as a solicitor in both public law and commercial litigation. Most recently, she was Principal Solicitor in the Constitution and Advice team at the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office, where she conducted complex litigation in the High Court, State courts and the Federal Court. Alice also advised on issues of administrative decision-making, constitutional law and statutory interpretation.
Prior to joining the VGSO, Alice was a lawyer in insolvency and commercial litigation at Allens, and Associate to the Hon. Justice Davies in the Federal Court.
Alice holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons, 1st Class) and Bachelor of Arts (French) from the University of Adelaide. She was awarded multiple academic prizes, including for the highest average mark in all compulsory and elective subjects in the Bachelor of Laws.
Alice read with Frances Gordon KC. Her senior mentor is Philip Solomon KC. Her CV can be found here.
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