QUALIFICATIONS BA (Hons) (Melb); JD (Melb)
ADMITTED 2016 BAR 2020
CLERK CONTACT 03 9225 7999
PHONE 9225 7999
EMAIL anna.dixon@vicbar.com.au
ENQUIRIES: dever@vicbar.com.au
Anna practices in criminal and quasi criminal matters (including white-collar crime, OH&S prosecutions, regulatory and disciplinary matters), and in common law. She has trial experience as both as junior counsel and as sole counsel.
Anna has also appeared in the Court of Appeal and has experience in preparing written cases.
Anna practices in the regulatory sphere and has appeared before VCAT, ASIC and the National Sports Tribunal. She has a particular interest in disciplinary proceedings involving healthcare workers.
Prior to coming to the bar, Anna completed a Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) and a Juris Doctor at the University of Melbourne. Upon graduation, she worked as a solicitor advocate at the Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia for two years, after which she performed the same role at Matthew White and Associates (in Melbourne) for 18 months.
Anna read with Chris Carr S.C., and Neill Murdoch S.C. is her senior mentor.
From 8 May 2020, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.