ADMITTED 2017 BAR 2023
CLERK CONTACT 03 9225 7999
PHONE 9225 7999
MOBILE 0452 265 915
EMAIL camilla.middleton@vicbar.com.au
ENQUIRIES: dever@vicbar.com.au
Camilla practises in commercial, public and common law.
Prior to coming to the Bar, Camilla was an associate to the Hon Justice Gageler AC at the High Court of Australia and the Hon Justice Wheelahan at the Federal Court of Australia.
Camilla practised as a solicitor at Herbert Smith Freehills. She was also an Assistant Legal Counsel at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague where she worked on international commercial and investment arbitrations, as well as arbitrations arising under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Camilla holds undergraduate degrees in Music and Laws (Hons I) from the Australian National University and a Master of Laws (Hons I) from the University of Melbourne. She is a sessional academic at the Australian National University.
Camilla read with Matthew Hooper KC. Her senior mentors are Claire Harris SC and Penny Neskovcin KC, as their Honours then were.
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