
Louise Brown

QUALIFICATIONS  LLM (Columbia University), LLB (H1 Hons) (The University of Melbourne), BA (The University of Melbourne)
ADMITTED  2012    BAR  2024

CLERK CONTACT  03 9225 7999
PHONE  9225 7999
MOBILE  0452 006 722

Louise Brown, LLM (Columbia University), LLB (H1 Hons) (The University of Melbourne), BA (The University of Melbourne)


  • Administrative Law
  • Banking and Finance
  • Class Actions
  • Commercial Law
  • Competition Law
  • Constitutional
  • Contract
  • Corporations
  • Disciplinary Tribunals
  • Energy and Infrastructure
  • Equal Opportunity / Discrimination
  • Human Rights
  • Immigration / Migration
  • International / Conflicts of Law
  • Native Title




Louise practises primarily in commercial and public law.

Before coming to the Bar, Louise was the General Counsel at the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, where she delivered strategic advice on a broad range of public law, commercial and corporate governance matters. She has experience in inquiries and investigations.

Earlier, Louise worked as a Senior Associate at Clifford Chance LLP in London, where she specialised in complex commercial disputes and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) risk. She began her career at King & Wood Mallesons in Melbourne, in commercial litigation. Louise also served as Associate to Justice Kenny of the Federal Court of Australia.

Louise holds a Master of Laws from Columbia University, where she was named a James Kent Scholar for outstanding academic achievement. She also holds a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Melbourne.

Recent matters include:

Commercial law

  • Carley Scott v Equatorial Launch Australia Pty Ltd, Federal Court of Australia (contract, estoppel): 10 day trial in Federal Court of Australia for respondent, with Sergio Freire.
  • Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Pty Ltd v Rose, County Court (restitution): for respondent (pro bono), settled.
  • FCFCOA (Div 1) matter (contract, estoppel, constructive trust): for third party respondents, with David Collins KC
  • Kirby v Mangos, Magistrates’ Court (set aside default judgment): for successful applicant.
  • Magistrates’ Court matter (negligence): for respondent, settled.

Public law

  • Louise is regularly briefed to advise government and public sector bodies on administrative law, statutory construction, and law reform issues.
  • Migration law judicial review matters

Louise is reading with Alexander Solomon-Bridge. Her senior mentor is Kathleen Foley SC.

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